
Dance Guided Meditations Breath-work

We believe motion unlocks emotion.

From week-long retreats, to festivals with thousands, or an intimate class of a few - by tapping into our inner-child play & embracing our creativity is a high-way to healing. You’ve got this.

Movement Coaching

Less thinking, more feeling.

We’ve seen & experienced first hand the transformational healing that can happen through movement. When we take ourselves out of the head and into the body, we gain access to releasing old tension physically & emotionally. This is where the magic happens. We aim to return & reconnect to our true nature, the core of who we are - love & joy.

“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence and the truth comes to me.”

Guided Meditations


“Epiphanies, inspiration, tapping into our child-like play - that’s what really opened us up & gave us the breakthrough we needed. My vibration is super high & these women are absolutely amazing.”


“Working with Veronica & Allison has honestly been life-changing for me. I learned so much about myself just dancing & feeling the energy in the room. They involve love & laughter & working with these two has been something very special.”

Luke Oakley

“The dance, movement & meditations have just been so eye-opening. I’m leaving a different person, it's effected me in ways I can’t even explain with words. These women changed our lives.”
